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Pellicer de Brody, Olga (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Pellicer de Brody, Olga
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  • De Brody, Olga Pellicer
  • Brody, Olga de Pellicer
  • Pellicer, Olga
  • Pellicer Silva, Olga
  • Silva, Olga Pellicer

U.S. concerns regarding Mexico's oil and gas, 1981: portada (Olga Pellicer de Brody, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, México, D.F.)

LC data base, 7/22/83 (hdg.: Pellicer de Brody, Olga) Aug. 2, 2016 (hdg.: Pellicer Silva, Olga)

The Future of Central America, 1983: portada (Olga Pellicer) jkt. (dir. of the Dept. of Int'l Politics, CIDE, Mexico City)

México y el multilateralismo del siglo XXI, 2015: portada (Olga Pellicer) p. 522 (international relations specialist, diplomat and prof. of the Dpto. de Estudios Internacionales of ITAM; has been an instructor at Colegio de de México, CIDE and UNAM; was director of the Inst. Matías Romero de Estudios Diplomáticos, Mexican ambassador to Austria and to Greece, alternate ambassador to the United Nations, permanent representative to international organizations based in Vienna, and president of the UN commission for women)

ITAM Web site, viewed Aug. 2, 2016 (Olga Pellicer Silva; Emb. Olga Pellicer; prof., Dpto. de Estudios Internacionales; master's in international relations from Inst. de Altos Estudios Internacionales, Univ. de París; licentiate in international relations from Univ. Nac. Aut. de México)

VIAF, sitio web, 15 marzo 2018: (puntos de acceso: Pellicer de Brody, Olga),_Olga

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