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Misch, Carl E. (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Misch, Carl E.

Contemporary implant dentistry, c1993: portada (Carl E. Misch, D.D.S., Michigan Implant Dent., Dearborn, Mich.)

Implantología contemporánea, 2009: portada (Carl E. Misch, autor)

Wikipedia, August 21, 2017 (Carl E. Misch, November 17, 1947-January 4, 2017; American prosthodontist recognized internationally for his clinical and academic contributions to the field of implant dentistry)

Prótesis dental sobre implantes, 2015: portada (Carl E. Misch)

VIAF, sitio web, 13 mayo 2019: (puntos de acceso: Misch, Carl E.),_Carl_E.

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