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Minichiello, Mario (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Minichiello, Mario

Twinkle, twinkle, planet blue, 1998: portada (Mario Minichiello)

Reportage illustration, 2018: portada (Mario Minichiello) p. 4 de cubierta (Mario Minichiello is a professor at the School of Design Communication and IT at Newcastle University, Australia; he is also Head of the Hunter Centre for Creative Industries and Technology, as well as the author of The Art of Conflict, which contains his reportage drawings from his assignment in the Afghanistan war)

Prabook, via WWW, August 7, 018 (Mario Antonio Minichiello; artist , illustrator , lecturer; born May 5, 1961 in Avellino, Italy; arrived in England, 1962; son of Pasqual and Gararda (Mariano) Minichiello; Bachelor, Leicester Polytech, 1985; postgraduate, St. Martins, London, 1986-1987; freelance artist, Guardian Newspaper, London, since 1987; freelance artist, Finance Times, London, since 1987; freelance artist, British Broadcasting Corporation News, London, 1987-1989; head graphics, Leicester (England) Polytech, 1992; head illustration, Loughborough (England) College Arts and Design, 1994; freelance artist, British Broadcasting Corporation Newsnight; consultant in field)

The University of Newcastle, via WWW, August 7, 2018 (Professor Mario Minichiello; world-renowned designer, illustrator, artist and academic; joined the University of Newcastle in 2012 as Head of the discipline of Design; although born in Italy, Professor Minichiello started his professional career in the United Kingdom; he worked for seven years for BBC Newsnight as a reportage illustrator making drawings for events such as the Spycatcher Trials, and pre-television coverage of the House of Commons, including the Guildford Four appeals and Beirut Hostage releases; during his 15 year career he has also worked for the Guardian, The FT, Amnesty International, the Terence Higgins Trust, BBC Enterprises, Longmans, The Times and ITN News; he worked as an artist during the Afghanistan War; during this time be created the book, The Art Of Conflict?, which is a record of reportage drawings of the war)

VIAF, sitio web, 19 junio 2019: (puntos de acceso: Minichiello, Mario),_Mario

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