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Aciman, André (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Aciman, André
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Aciman, André. Llámame por tu nombre

Aciman, André. Llámame por tu nombre, 2018: t.p. verso (original title: Call me by your name) t.p. (translated from the English by Guillermo Díaz Ceballos)

Out of Egypt, c1994:‏ t.p. (André Aciman) jkt. (b. in Alexandria and raised in Egypt, Italy and France; educated at Harvard; teaches French lit. at Princeton)

Wikipedia, February 27, 2019‏ ‎: (André Aciman (born 2 January 1951) is an American writer. Born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt, he is currently distinguished professor at the Graduate Center of City University of New York, where he teaches the history of literary theory and the works of Marcel Proust. Aciman previously taught creative writing at New York University and French literature at Princeton and Bard College; author of several novels, including Call Me by Your Name (winner, in the Gay Fiction category, of the 2007 Lambda Literary Award) and a 1995 memoir, Out of Egypt, which won a Whiting Award; parents were Sephardic Jews; as members of one of the Mutamassirun ("foreign") communities, his family members were unable to become Egyptian citizens; his family left Egypt in 1965; after his father purchased Italian citizenship for the family, Aciman moved with his mother and brother as refugees to Rome while his father moved to Paris. They moved to New York City in 1968)

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