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Leach, Richard M. (Haematologist) (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Leach, Richard M. (Haematologist)
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Encabezamiento anterior: Leach, Richard M., MD
  • Leach, Mike (Haematologist)
  • Leach, Mike, FRCP

Leach, Richard M., MD. Critical care medicine at a glance, 2004: E-CIP t.p. (Richard M. Leach, MD, FRCP, cons. physician and hon. sr. lect., Dept. of Crit. Care Med., Guy's and St. Thomas' Hosp. Trust, St. Thomas Hosp., London)

Practical flow cytometry in haematology diagnosis, 2013: ECIP t.p. (Mike Leach, FRCP, FRCPath, consultant haematologist & honorary senior lecturer, Haematology Laboratories and West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow, UK)

E-mail from pub., July 30, 2012 (Mike Leach is the same person as Richard M. Leach, MD)

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