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Romer, David (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Romer, David

His What are the costs of excessive deficits? 1988: t.p. (David Romer, Princeton Univ. and Nat'l Bur. of Ec. Res.)

Advanced macroeconomics, 1996: CIP t.p. (David Romer, Univ. of California, Berkeley) data sheet (Romer, David Hibbins; b. 3/13/1958)

Advanced macroeconomics, 2016: t.p. (David Romer, Univ. of California, Berkeley)

Monetary policy and the well-being of the poor, c1998: t.p. (David H. Romer) abstract (Dept. of Econ., Univ. of Calif.., Berkeley, CA, and NBER)

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