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Schifino, Martin (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Schifino, Martin

Water-blue eyes, 2008: portada (Martin Schifino)

Calles y otros relatos, 2014: portada (traducción de Martín Schifino)

Dedalus Books, viewed Sept. 22, 2016 (Martin Schifino is a translator from Spanish. His translations include See How Much I Love You by Luis Leante)

Revista de libros online, Septiembre 2016, viewed Sept. 22, 2016: Martín Schifino (Es crítico y traductor. Sus últimas traducciones son: Fitzgerald, F. Scott, El arte de perder. Una vida en cartas, Círculo de Tiza, Madrid, 2016. Foster, Thomas C., Leer como un profesor, Turner, Madrid, 2015. Shields, David, Hambre de realidad, Círculo de Tiza, Madrid, 2015)

Alguien a quien conoces, 2020: portada (traducción de Martín Schifino)

Arcadia Books, viewed Sept. 22, 2016: Authors: Martin Schifino (Martin Schifino was born in Buenos Aires. He has degrees in Comparative Literature, from the University of Buenos Aires, and Medieval English Literature, from King's College London. He is a regular contributor to the Times Literary Supplement and various Spanish and Latin American publications. He has translated four books previously from the Spanish: This Breathing World, by José Luis de Juan, Blood of The Angels, by Eugenio Fuentes, Water-Blue Eyes, by Domingo Villar, and The Pianist's Hands, also by Eugenio Fuentes)

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