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Marshall, Tim (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Marshall, Tim
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Lister, Thomas M.
  • Lister, Tim

Man's greatest fear, c1995: t.p. (Tim Marshall, Ed. D)

E-mail communication with publisher, August 10, 2012 (Tim Marshall is a pseudonym for Thomas Marshall Lister)

Goodreads Website, July 1, 2022: Thomas M. Lister p. (Before retiring in 2010, Dr. Thomas M. Lister has worked as a hospital psychologist, a community college counselor and a psychology professor. He is licensed by the states of California and Nevada to teach nurses seminars. Dr. Lister was also consultant to IBM, Varian, the California State Department of Parole, and the California State Department of Rehabilitation. Dr. Lister earned his BA degree in psychology and physical education at CSU Sacramento, Sacramento, CA. He also holds an MS degree from Wright-State University, Dayton, Ohio as well as an Ed.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota. While serving four years in the USAF as a medic during the Vietnam War, he was introduced to the theories of Sigmund Freud by his mentor, psychiatrist William H. Egan, M.D., upon which much of his book is based. In addition to Man's Greatest Fear, he also wrote the fiction novel Massacre at Pilgrims' Pass, the crisis intervention training manual To Care Is Not Enough, and the management skills manual I'd Understand You If You'd Just Make Sense. He has also written two screenplays: Massacre at Pilgrims' Pass and The Commitment. He is presently developing a non-profit organization called GLOW, or 'God Loves Old Women,' which will serve the homeless in Ukraine.)

Goodreads Website, July 1, 2022: Man's Greatest Fear: The Final Phase Of Human Evolution p. (original publication, c1995 author used "Tim Marshall)

Goodreads Website, July 1, 2022: Man's Greatest Fear: The Final Phase Of Human Evolution p. (2012 publication, author used "Thomas M. Lister)

OCLC, July 1, 2022: OCN243937102 (Massacre at Pilgrims' Pass, Tim Lister)

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