Kenney, W. Larry (Nombre personal)
ACSMs̀ guidelines for exercise testing and prescription, 1995: p. ii (W. Larry Kenney, Ph.D., FACSM; Prof. of Appl. Physiol., Noll Physiol. Res. Ctr., Penn. St. Univ., Univ. Park, PA)
LC in OCLC (94-40330), 5/31/96 (hdg.: Kenney, W. Larry; usage: W. Larry Kenney)
Wilmore, Jack H. Physiology of sport and exercise, c2008: ECIP t.p. (W. Larry Kenney) data view (b. 1957)
Physiology of sport and exercise, 2020: ECIP title page (W. Larry Kenney, PhD; Pennsylvania State University, University Park) ECIP data view (b. 01/03/57)
Pennsylvania State University web site, September 7, 2019: (W. Larry Kenney, Larry Kenney is professor of physiology, kinesiology, and Marie Underhill Noll Chair in Human Performance. ; ; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, Physiology, 1983)