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Ansón, Rafael (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Ansón, Rafael
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Ansón Oliart, Rafael
  • Oliart, Rafael Ansón

Ansón, Rafael. El producto y su intérprete, 2009: t.p. (Rafael Ansón)

Foods and Wines from Spain Foodpedia website, viewed 2020-11-30: Rafael Ansón Oliart, food expert, born in San Sebastian, 1935. President of the Spanish Real Academia de Gastronomía.

El Independiente website, "Rafael Ansón deja la Real Academia de Gastronomía tras casi media vida", July 3, 2020, viewed 2020-11-30: Rafael Ansón retiring from presidency of the Real Academia de Gastronomía in 2020 after leading it for 40 years. One of its founders in 1980, and became its president in 1994. Spent almost 60 years promoting Spanish gastronomy. Former general director of Radiodifusión y Televisión and RTVE. Law degree.

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