Torres, Carlos Alberto (Nombre personal)
- Torres Novoa, Carlos Alberto
- Novoa, Carlos Alberto Torres
- Tōresu, Karurosu Aruberuto
- トーレス カルロス・アルベルト
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated
Sociología de la educación, 1981 (a.e.) t.p. (Carlos Alberto Torres) p. 450 (licenciado en sociología, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires; instructor in political sciences, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Mexico)
His The politics of nonformal education in Latin America, 1990: t.p. (Carlos Alberto Torres) p. 181 (b. Buenos Aires, 1950; Ph. D., education Stanford, 1984)
Educação popular, c1994: t.p. (Carlos A. Torres) p. 338 (Carlos Alberto Torres)
Comparative education, c2003: CIP t.p. (Carlos Alberto Torres) data view (b. Oct. 1, 1950)
Freire, P. Entrevistas con Paulo Freire, 1978, c1977 (a.e.) t.p. (Carlos Alberto Torres Novoa)
Lectura crítica de Paulo Freire. Portuguese. Leitura crítica de Paulo Freire, 1981: t.p. (Carlos Alberto Torres Novoa) cover (Carlos Alberto Torres)
His Poesía perdida al atardecer, 2004: t.p. (Carlos Alberto Torres)
UCLA, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies faculty Web site, Aug. 18, 2003 (Torres, Carlos; Professor Carlos Alberto Torres; also director of the Paulo Freire Institute at UCLA; CV: professor of social sciences and comparative education and director of the Latin American Center at UCLA; b. Oct. 1, 1950, Buenos Aires; Ph. D. in international development education, Stanford University (1994); founding director of the Paulo Freire Institute in São Paulo, Brazil; lists all works above)
21-seiki no hikaku kyōikugaku, 2014: t.p. (カルロス・アルベルト・トーレス = Karurosu Aruberuto Tōresu; Carlos Alberto Torres) p. 708 (prof., UCLA; dir., WCCES)