Mayers, Marvin K. (Marvin Keene), 1927-2015 (Nombre personal)
- Encabezamiento anterior: Mayers, Marvin Keene, 1927-2015
His Pocomchi texts, 1958.
Wilson, C. A. The language gap, c1984: t.p. (Marvin K. Mayers)
Grunlan, Stephen A. Cultural anthropology, 1988: title page (Stephen A. Grunlan and Marvin K. Mayers) back cover (Marvin K. Mayers ; Dean of the School of Intercultural studies and world missions at Biola University. Author of Christianity confronts culture)
Graduate Institute of applied linguistics & college of international studies web site, April 30, 2018 : ("Dr. Marvin K. Mayers was a distinguished figure in evangelical missiological anthropology ... Born in Canton, OH in 1927 ... Among Dr. Mayers' publications were The Pocomchi: A Sociolinguistic Study (1960), Languages of Guatemala (ed., 1966), Christianity Confronts Culture: A Strategy for Cross-Cultural Evangelism (1974), A Look at Latin American Lifestyles (1976), A Look at Filipino Lifestyles (1980), Cultural Anthropology: A Christian Perspective (1979, co-authored with Stephen Grunlan), and Ministering Cross-Culturally: An Incarnational Model for Personal Relationships (1986, co-authored with Sherwood Lingenfelter).)
News-Press website, April 30, 2018 : obituary dated October 3, 2015 ("Marvin Keene Mayers of Shell Point Village, Fort Myers, Florida died Saturday October 3rd, 2015 at age 87. He was born in Canton, Ohio on October 25, 1927 ... He is recognized as an outstanding figure of evangelical missiological anthropology. He was a missionary, scholar, educator ... He was a linguist-translator serving among the Pocomchi people of Guatemala.")