Hymes, Dell H. (Nombre personal)
- Hymes, Dell
- Hymes, Dell H. (Dell Hathaway)
- Hymes, Dell Hathaway
His Language in culture and society, 1964.
His "In vain I tried to tell you", 1981: t.p. (Dell Hymes)
Reinventing anthropology, c1999: CIP t.p. (Dell Hymes) data sheet (b. June 7, 1927)
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1927; Ph.D.)
Obituary posted on the Linguist list, Nov. 17, 2009 (d. Nov. 13, 2009, Charlottesville, Va.)
American anthropologist, Mar. 2011: p. 192 (Dell Hathaway Hymes; contributions to the ethnography of speaking, ethnopoetics, Amerindian linguistics, and linguistic anthropology; Ph. D., Indiana Univ., 1955)
LC database, Mar. 11, 2011 (hdg.: Hymes, Dell H.; usage: Dell Hymes; Dell H. Hymes)
OCLC database, Mar. 11, 2011 (hdg.: Hymes, Dell H.; Hymes, Dell; Hymes, Dell H., 1927-; Hymes, Dell Hathaway, 1927-; Hymes, Dell Hathaway; Hymes, Dell, 1927-2009; usage: Dell Hymes; Dell H. Hymes; Dell Hathaway Hymes)
Wikipedia, 30 November 2021 (Dell Hathaway Hymes (born June 7, 1927 in Portland, Oregon; died November 13, 2009 in Charlottesville, Virginia; linguist, sociolinguist, anthropologist and folklorist who established disciplinary fountations for the comparative ethnographic study of language use; his research focused upon the languages of the Pacific Northwest; he was one of the first to call the fourth subfield of anthropology "linguistic anthropology" instead of "anthropological linguistics;" in 1972 founded the journal Language in Society and served as its editor for 22 years; Ph. D. from Indiana University in 1955, he had a reputation as a strong linguist; his dissertation, completed in one year, was a grammar of the Kathlamet language spoken near the mouth of the Columbia [River]; took a job at Harvard University; joined the faculty at University of California, Berkeley in 1960; joined the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania in 1965 and joined the Department of Folklore and Folklife in 1972; became the Dean of the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education in 1972; joined the Departments of Anthropology and English at the University of Virginia, where he became the Commonwealth Professor of Anthropology and English, and from which he retired in 2000)