Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics [recurso electrónico] : 6th International Meeting, CIBB 2009, Genoa, Italy, October 15-17, 2009, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Francesco Masulli, Leif E. Peterson, Roberto Tagliaferri.
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Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Copia número | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libro Electrónico | Biblioteca Electrónica | Colección de Libros Electrónicos | QA75.5 -76.95 (Browse shelf(Abre debajo)) | 1 | No para préstamo | 374801-2001 |
Tools for Bioinformatics -- The ImmunoGrid Simulator: How to Use It -- Improving Coiled-Coil Prediction with Evolutionary Information -- Intelligent Text Processing Techniques for Textual-Profile Gene Characterization -- SILACAnalyzer - A Tool for Differential Quantitation of Stable Isotope Derived Data -- Gene Expression Analysis -- Non-parametric MANOVA Methods for Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Real-Time RT-PCR Experiments -- In Silico Screening for Pathogenesis Related-2 Gene Candidates in Vigna Unguiculata Transcriptome -- Penalized Principal Component Analysis of Microarray Data -- An Information Theoretic Approach to Reverse Engineering of Regulatory Gene Networks from Time–Course Data -- New Perspectives in Bioinformatics -- On the Use of Temporal Formal Logic to Model Gene Regulatory Networks -- Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions with K-Nearest Neighbors Classification Algorithm -- Simulations of the EGFR - KRAS - MAPK Signalling Network in Colon Cancer. Virtual Mutations and Virtual Treatments with Inhibitors Have More Important Effects Than a 10 Times Range of Normal Parameters and Rates Fluctuations -- Special Session on “Using Game-Theoretical Tools in Bioinformatics” -- Basics of Game Theory for Bioinformatics -- Microarray Data Analysis via Weighted Indices and Weighted Majority Games -- Special Session on “Combining Bayesian and Machine Learning Approaches in Bioinformatics: State of Art and Future Perspectives” -- Combining Replicates and Nearby Species Data: A Bayesian Approach -- Multiple Sequence Alignment with Genetic Algorithms -- Special Session on “Data Clustering and Bioinformatics” (DCB 2009) -- Multiple Clustering Solutions Analysis through Least-Squares Consensus Algorithms -- Projection Based Clustering of Gene Expression Data -- Searching a Multivariate Partition Space Using MAX-SAT -- A Novel Approach for Biclustering Gene Expression Data Using Modular Singular Value Decomposition -- Special Session on “Intelligent Systems for Medical Decisions Support” (ISMDS 2009) -- Using Computational Intelligence to Develop Intelligent Clinical Decision Support Systems -- Different Methodologies for Patient Stratification Using Survival Data -- 3-D Mouse Brain Model Reconstruction from a Sequence of 2-D Slices in Application to Allen Brain Atlas -- A Proposed Knowledge Based Approach for Solving Proteomics Issues.
th Thisvolumecontainsaselectionofthebestcontributionsdeliveredatthe6 - ternational Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics andBiostatistics(CIBB2009)heldatOratorioSanFilippoNeriinGenoa(Italy) during October 15–17, 2009. TheCIBBmeetingseriesisorganizedbytheSpecialInterestGrouponBio- formatics of the International Neural Network Society (INNS) to provide a - rum open to researchers from di?erent disciplines to present and discuss pr- lems concerning computational techniques in bioinformatics, systems biology and medical informatics with a particular focus on neural networks, machine learning, fuzzy logic, and evolutionary computational methods. From 2004 to 2007,CIBB meetings wereheld with an increasing number of participants in the formatof a specialsessionofbigger conferences,namely, WIRN 2004in Perugia, WILF 2005 in Crema, FLINS 2006 in Genoa and WILF 2007 in Camogli. With the great success of the special session at WILF 2007 that included 26 strongly ratedpapers,welaunchedthe?rstautonomousCIBBconferenceeditionstarting with the 2008 conference in Vietri. CIBB2009attracted57papersubmissionsfromallovertheworld. Arigorous peer-reviewselectionprocesswasappliedtoultimatelyselectthepapersincluded in the program of the conference. This volume collects the best contributions presentedattheconference. Moreover,thevolumealsoincludes onepresentation from keynote speakers and two tutorial presentations. The success of CIBB 2009 is to be credited to the contribution of many people. Firstly, we would like to thank the organizers of the special sessions for attracting so many good papers which extended the focus of the main topics of CIBB. Second, special thanks are due to the Program Committee members and reviewers for providing high-quality reviews.